Recruiting with the backdrop of the Coronavirus uncertainty


Recruiting with the backdrop of the Coronavirus uncertainty

If you were considering recruiting before the outbreak of Coronavirus but can’t decide whether this is now a wise decision, we are here to help you.

Essentially,  we all want businesses to survive these very uncertain and unprecedented times. If you do make the decision to recruit, then we would like to feel that we can do all we can to help you to make the process as straightforward and cost-effective as possible.

In this way, we have suspended our normal Terms of Business and we are offering our services at lower rates, but still with extended guarantees from 6-12 months as before.

To this end, you can benefit from a rate as low as 10% on middle and senior management roles until we’re through the other side of this uniquely uncertain time.

If you would like a chat to explore your plans, feel free to make contact with Paul Griffiths on 07802 716996 or email